Friday, April 10, 2009

Is Lynn an Angel?

This is a question I have asked myself more than a few times in recent months. The first day we visited our new church here in Mexico our boys stayed with us during the service. The childrens Sunday school program was not up and running yet so I brought their Bible's and some paper to draw on and we settled in for the sermon. The boys did great, sat still and quiet and looked through their Bible's until the end of the service. As we stepped in to the fellowship hall a heavyset lady in a pink shirt and black pants approached me. "Your boys were so well behaved in the service. What a blessing to see a young family with such well behaved children. Nowadays kids don't seem to know how to sit still and it's nice to see little fellows who mind so well."

Of course my heart was beaming with pride, but more than that I wanted to weep and throw my arms around the this woman's neck because that kind of encouragement is not common to me here in Mexico. I have no "Mom's group", no homeschool co-op or any other type of friend or mentor spurring me on in my motherhood. The fact that someone noticed the hard work I put in to my boys was such a joy to me. Her words were balm to a parched place within me. I lived on that compliment for a full month before beginning to feel heavy hearted again.
I am in a difficult season in my life, in that I have no female companion walking along side me, no other homeschool friends, no stay at home Mom's. And so I am learning to process all these Mommy issues and struggles with the Lord alone. It is a precious time of growth, but a struggle of loneliness at times as well.
I looked for the woman in the pink blouse and black pants every Sunday since then for several months but never found her. Until last week. As we walked in to the sanctuary people were already on their feet for worship. I glanced around the sanctuary and saw her kind face. In the fellowship hall after the service, I helped my two boys get some chocolate chip cookies and when I turned around there was this sweet lady. "You probably don't remember me, my name is Lynn, but I am just so impressed with your boys, and now I see that you have another one on the way? Well, I think with the way that you train children, you should have a dozen or more." Once again, like a burst from heaven straight into my heart, the Lord used the word's of this woman to validate my life's work. I said thank you and she was quickly out the door. I stood there with a chocloate chip cookie in my hand replaying her words and quietly praying "thank you Jesus, thank you Lord, I know that was from you."

I don't know if I'll see Lynn on Sunday, part of me suspects that she is indeed an angel. But if I do, I'm going to tell her the power of her words in my life. I'm going to tell her that her affirmations have fueled my perseverance and that her encouragement has been a balm to my soul. I'm going to tell her that I hear the echo of her words in the midst of the days that I struggle, or when my boys are arguing or misbehaving. And then I'm going to hug her neck!

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever get to thank her? She does SOUND like an angel. Thank God for these messengers in our lives.
