Saturday night, 10 o'clock pm. I am reading a very rich, fun, book right now that I was fortunate enough to come across at Barnes-N-Noble last week. 'Surprised By Oxford' by Carolyn Weber is the book. It's essentially a conversion observed and a beautifully penned memoir of the inner-heart-dialogue of this young woman as she steps into her first year at Oxford University and a new life with Christ. I am loving the quoted poetry and the feeling that I am indeed right there with 'Caro' as her friends call her, at Oxford as a first year student. I usually gravitate toward Christian, non-fiction, life-instruction type books, so this is a refreshing change although I admit, it feels frivolous at times. I gotta lighten up with my reading. I always feel that I should be reading something that grows me as a person, or in my walk with the Lord, or a classic book that will enrich my greater understanding of literature/big issues, etc. I suppose this book fits loosely into that line-up, but very loosely. Anyway, I'm enjoying it.
Tuesday we leave for Minnesota. Our beloved small groupee, DTS outreach student and beloved nanny for our children many summers and many moves past; Jocelyn, is getting married on September 4th. Nathan is performing the ceremony, Phoebe is a flower girl, and I am wearing one smokin-hot bridesmaid dress and 15 inch heels to celebrate. I am not the short, strapless dress-wearing type kind of gal, so this is big hot-Mama stuff for me. Nathan loves the get-up. He would. ;) We are thrilled to be setting up camp at the Griffis household. Our dear friends, and former YWAM'ers, Barak and Laura are graciously hosting the six of us for our time in Minneapolis. I am looking forward to coffee and conversation and slumber party-ing with these 2, as they are truly some of our nearest and dearest friends ever!
In other news, not so fun news, life has been bumpy lately. I don't want to throw up on my blog, but this has been a tough season in several different aspects. Right now we could use prayer for direction for the future, unity in our marriage and decision making, parenting Averic, Nathan's sleep-walking-health issues, and our finances. *whew* God has always been good to us and He still is in this season, it just feels like one of those years, where one thing comes right on the tail of another and honestly, I'm just a little road weary. *yawn*
Happy news now..Nathan is signed up for another semester at MCC taking business courses and it's something that he also finds enjoyable so that is nice. His pig project from last semester has panned out beautifully and his pasture grazed pigs are TWICE the size as their brothers and sisters from the same litter who have only been fed pellets. He walked a little taller that day he came back from the farm that sold us the pigs last week! This semester's project will be a 1,000 fish aquaponic set-up where Tilapia fish and vegetables are grown in a system set up to create a symbiotic relationship between the plants and the fish. This type of system is becoming quite useful in 3rd world settings and he is extremely excited about it.
I am excited to get more involved with the local home school group this year as well as the co-op. Ben will be taking Art II and Averic will be taking P.E./Health. I have been impressed with the co-op so far and how it runs like a well-oiled machine. Maybe I could start one wherever we end up next? Oh how I despise organizing people. Oh well, what an awesome ministry! I am so glad for Ben that he will get to have detailed art instruction and get to use the professional, fun, art-supplies and make a big mess with other kids! I am equally excited for Averic to get to have some structured, physical exersize and learn how to play a few group sports. ANY opportunity for Averic to burn off energy is a good thing!!
Lastly, I am going to be speaking at a ladies church conference with my Mom and sister in the fall and I am very expectant about the opportunity. Although the specifics aren't nailed down, I will be sharing some from my testimony, and lessons of faith I've learned, a bit about motherhood and family etc. Surprisingly, this introvert gets really energized about speaking publicly. Who knew? :)
I feel like I have been in a sandstorm and unable to see anything except for what is right in front of me lately, so I am looking toward the rest of 2011 through a hopeful, prayerful, and expectant lens.
Great update, Amey. It was wonderful to see you guys last week! How did the wedding weekend go? I visited the homeschool group here where we live, and I am not as impressed as you seem to be with yours. :( Hopefully I will be surprised even yet. I will begin praying for you more often these days, as the months of this year tick tock to an end. Love you.